
Endpoint URL

The WhereGoes API is built on REST principles. Authenticated users can interact with our API using the appropriate HTTP request method (GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE). We enforce TLS encryption by issuing requests via HTTPS.



All requests to the API require you to authenticate yourself to the service. To do this, you must send the correct HTTP header with the correct API token.

Account TokenX-WhereGoes-Account-Token Used for requests that account admin privileges. This token is used to manage account details.

Access TokenX-WhereGoes-Access-Token Used for requests that are attempting to use the features of URL follow features and more.

API HTTP response codes

  • 200 — Success Everything went smoothly.
  • 401 — Unauthorized Missing or incorrect API token in the header.
  • 413 — Payload Too Large The request exceeded the size limit of 100K for a single follow endpoint and 10 MB total payload size for our Batch follow endpoint.
  • 415 – Unsupported Media Type The API request is missing the expected request headers. Please review the documentation for the API endpoint to ensure the required request headers are passed.
  • 422 — Unprocessable Entity Something is not right with the request. This could be invalid JSON or incorrect fields. In this case, the response body contains JSON {ErrorCode: 405, Message: “details”} with an API error code and a message containing details on what went wrong.
  • 429 — Rate Limit Exceeded We have detected that you are making requests at a rate that exceeds acceptable API use; you should reduce the rate at which you query the API. If you have specific rate requirements, please get in touch with support to request a rate increase.
  • 500 — Internal Server Error This is an issue with our servers processing your request. The message is usually lost during the process. Please notify us of the issue and what you were attempting to do that triggered the error.
  • 503 — Service Unavailable During planned service outages, Postmark API services will return this HTTP response and associated JSON body.

API response error codes

Whenever the server detects an input error, it will return an HTTP 422 status code along with a JSON object containing error details:

"ErrorCode": 10,
"Message": "Missing API Token"

The ErrorCode field can be used to programmatically detect the type of error. Here are the supported error codes:

  • 0 – Down for maintenance. Please visit https://status.wheregoes.com
  • 10 – Missing API token.
  • 11 – API token authentication failed.
  • 12 – API token revoked.
  • 13 – API token not active.
  • 14 – API token restricted.
  • 101 – This endpoint is not supported yet
  • 102 – Invalid endpoint
  • 103 – Invalid request method for this endpoint
  • 104 – Request method not supported yet for this endpoint
  • 201 – Entry URL not valid or missing.
  • 202 – ID not valid
  • 203 – ID missing for endpoint
  • 204 – IDs must be provided as an array in the body using JSON format.
  • 205 – Minimum of 2 IDs required for bulk requests.
  • 206 – Maximum of 100 IDs can be requested at a time.
  • 207 – Request body is not valid JSON format.
  • 208 – Sort must be in an array format like [“date” => “desc”].
  • 209 – Invalid sort by.
  • 210 – Invalid sort order.

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* All fields required.