Server Upgrades: 07/29 @ 8PM ET
We apologize for the unexpected brief outages over the past few months due to spikes in usage of the WhereGoes tracing tool. This increased usage is due to more popularity as well as bots abusing this free tool.
Temporary Solution
On July 29, 2022 at 8:00 PM ET, we will be performing server upgrades to increase our capacity to handle more requests simultaneously. In addition, we will be implementing more protective measures to prevent bots as well as scripts from using the tool.
NOTICE: We expect the website to temporarily be unavailable at some point between 8PM ET and 9PM ET.
Of course these upgrades will only push this issue forward as the tool becomes more popular and the bots become even more clever over the coming months.
Permanent Solution
We will be migrating WhereGoes to a more scalable hosting environment in October. This upgrade will allow WhereGoes to handle massive amounts of traffic simultaneously, eliminating issues related to spikes in traffic and server resource bottlenecks.
This upgrade is part of an overall upgrade to the WhereGoes service that will allow visitors to register for a free account and have access to an API. More to come on this topic soon!
If you have any issues or questions, please contact us.
Thank you for using and supporting WhereGoes!